Sunday, October 13, 2013

Hats off to exemplary aviator

Joe Toskes, right, accepts FAA award.
 Museum member Joe Toskes has received a Federal Aviation Administration certificate for 50 years of flying without an accident.  Joe began flying as a youngster at Harbor Field and thanked those who helped him over the years. Joe has been very generous with his time and resources while taking on several projects for the museum. When not flying, Joe can be found working on a restoration project.

Family members and several people who knew Joe over his aviation career showed up at a reception held at the museum to applaud his special honor.

Last rockets to the moon

Mike Stanford answers questions after his talk.
Dr. Michael Stanford enthused about the importance of the Saturn V rocket at the Monday Speaker Series event at the Lockheed Martin auditorium. Mike, who worked for the space program for several years, showed a video and explained why the giant rocket was such a technological marvel.  The booster that last took man to the moon was discontinued as the Apollo Space Program completed its successful mission of getting men to the moon and returning them safely to earth.  He lamented the Saturn V abandonment and explained that its lifting capability probably could have assembled a space station in as little as two flights.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Rosies visit the museum

Several Rosies stopped to admire custom car decorated in their honor.
Several Rosie the Riveters stopped by the Museum for their annual get-together on Saturday.  It was a chance for them to catch up  and share memories and stories about the years when they helped the war effort at the Martin Company and other aviation manufacturers.  Visitors at the Museum were also caught up in the enthusiasm of the group and the tales they told.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Several honored at Wings dinner

Several of the people who help found the museum were honored at the dinner. They were (from left) John Bartkowiak, Jim Jurkowski, Gene DiGennaro Jr., Bryan Wiliman and Stan Piet.  They were each given a Purple Martin award, which was the highest honor presented to Martin Company employees.
 Over 100 people packed the Sparrows Point Country Club for the Museum's annual dinner and silent auction.
Several people were honored at the event and Jim Smith Jr., former Baltimore County executive and now state transportation chief, was given the inaugural "Friend of the Museum" award for his support.
The Museum also presented a check to the Maryland Air National Guard Chiefs Airman Relief Fund that helps Guard members and their families.
Also honored were some of the original backers of the museum: John Bartkpwiak, Jim Jurkowski, Gene DiGennaro, Bryan Wiliman and Stan Piet.
The museum presented a check to the Maryland Air National Guard Chiefs Airman Relief Fund at the dinner. Presenting the check was Karen Armacost, Museum chair, while accepting it for the ANG was Sgt. Jeff Morse.  Also pictured are Stacie Morse and retired Gen. Guy Walsh.

Jim Smith Jr. is presented with the first "Friend of the Museum" award for his outstanding support over the years. Makingthe presentation is Bob Byrnes, executive director of the Museum.

A look at history

Docent Bill Haugen explains the special tiles on the shuttle. A busload of aviation enthusiasts enjoyed the day November 8 at the Smiths...